The science and practice of maintaining good health through cleanliness and by kitchen hygiene definition therefore is the awareness and practice of hygiene tips before they begin to cook. The lack of cleanliness in the kitchen and lack of good personal hygiene habits and practices by those cooking the food can cause contamination, food poisoning, and infections which can affect good health. Health is wealth and this clearly indicates the Importance of kitchen hygiene and why you should follow it at any cost.


This is an important kitchen hygiene precaution that you can implement easily but can offer immense benefits. Germs from the hand can get transferred to the food quickly therefore, wash your hands before you initiate a food-handling process and many processes involve such as when you start to cook, when you are going to use raw ingredients for cooking, after visiting the toilet and every time you take food for tasting. Washing hands here does not mean wetting your hands, it means washing it thoroughly using anti-bacterial handwashes, or soap with warm water for at least 20 seconds to clear your hand from bacteria. Wipe your hand dry with a dry towel and always wash hands with hot, soapy water before and after handling food (especially raw meat, poultry, seafood and eggs), and after using the bathroom.


Cleaning the sink daily and the appliances every time you use it is the best way to keep them clean and extend their lifetime. While this should be the routine cleanliness schedule, there is a special schedule you should do at least once a week which includes cleaning the sink using hot or warm water and bleach. Scouring the kitchen sink clean which includes the plug chain and the insides of the sink in the case of the oven check if the insides are tidy and clean. If it is dirty, scrub away the dirt using warm water.


Reducing waste can help keep the whole kitchen organised, buy only what you need at the grocery store and avoid overspending by incorporating meal plans to home. Choose items that are in reusable containers or take your own with you for fresh produce. Having a good bin with trash bags in place and disposing of the trash on regular basis are also ways to ensure that bacteria do not grow at a fast rate in your kitchen due to the decomposition of food leftovers in the trash.


Now, you must be clear about what is kitchen hygiene and how important it is to ensure good health. The best way to bring it into practice at home or in a restaurant is to prepare a kitchen hygiene checklist that has various heads and points that has to be checked in each of them so that you can keep a note of whether you are adhering to the kitchen hygiene rules.


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